Basic Health Package
Get Up to 25% Off On All Health Services
- “Medisave Health Membership” may only be used to avail additional discount @ MHLS Network, It can be used @more than 4000+ Hospitals, Pharmacy, Diagnostic Centers & Retail Shops Across the nation
- The Details of these empaneled centers are given on the website
- The Card Gives you Insurance of INR 2Lakhs As PA Cover after completing KYC Verification - T & C,
- This Is Not a credit card & It is Not Transferable
- The Validity of the Membership 1 Year From the Date of Issue
- The Applicable Discount may vary on the network hospitals
- The Benefits of this card can only be availed after the verification of personal Identity, Hence kindly carry a photo ID
- For Any query contact our helpline - 9036636883
- Free Health Check Up
- Online Doctor Consultation
- Home Sample Collection
- Home Delivery of Medicines
- Accidental Cover of Rs 2 Lakh - T&C
What am I covered for
1. Accidental Death (AD) or
2. AD + Permanent Total Disablement (PTD) or
3. AD+PTD+ Permanent Partial Disablement (PPD)
Education Benefit Rs.50, 000/- or 1% of CSI (basic SI), whichever is lower for each child/spouse. Only upon payment of benefit under Death and permanent total disability (in case of above mentioned cover of 2,3 and 4 only)
Adaptation Allowance @ 1 % of the Sum Insured or Rs 25,000/. Only upon payment of benefit under permanent total disability or
4. AD+PTD+PPD+ Temporary Total Disablement (TTD) or
Following are covered as add on up to the limits specified in policy schedule, if you have paid the additional premium for these covers
1. Hospital Confinement Allowance.
2. Ambulance Cover.
Note: Insurer’s Liability in respect of all claims admitted during the period of insurance shall not exceed the Sum Insured for the Insured person as mentioned in the schedule
Steps To Claim PA Cover
Step 1 : Complete Online Registration
Step 2 : WhatsApp KYC Documents
- PAN Card, Photo, Aadhar Card
Step 3 : Place a Medicine Order MOV Rs 999
Step 4 : SBI General Insurance Policy will be activated
Step 5 : Collect Policy Details