About the product
One Step COVID-19 IgM/IgG Antibody Test is an antibody-capture immunochromatographic assay for the simultaneous detection and differentiation of IgM & IgG antibodies to COVID-19 virus in human serum, plasma, and/or whole blood samples. COVID-19 virus-specific antigens are conjugated to colloidal gold and deposited on the conjugate pad. Monoclonal anti-human IgM and monoclonal anti-human IgG are immobilized on two individual test lines (T2 and T1) of the nitrocellulose membrane. The IgM line (T2) is closer to the sample well and followed by the IgG line (T1). When the sample is added the gold-antigen conjugate is rehydrated and the COVID-19 IgM and/or IgG antibodies, if any in the sample, will interact with the gold conjugated antigen. The immunocomplex will migrate towards the test window until the test zone (T1 & T2) where they will be captured by the relevant anti-human IgM (T2) and/or anti-human IgG (T1), forming a visible pink line, indicating positive results. If COVID-19 antibodies are absent in the sample, no pink line will appear in the test lines (T1 & T2), indicating a negative result.
1. Whole blood/ serum/ plasma may be used for testing.
2. Results available in only 15 minutes.
3. Easy to use.
4.Results can be read visually.
5. No need for an analyzer.
6. Cost effective method for assisting in screening COVID-19 disease.
Each kit contains:
1. Individually sealed foil pouches containing:
2. One cassette device
3. One desiccant
4. Plastic dropper
5. Assay buffer
6. Lancet
7. One package insert (instruction for use)