Waldent NanoFlow Bulk Fill Flowable Composite
Nano-Hybrid Dental Flowable Restorative Material
Waldent NanoBulk is a light-curing, highly radiopaque, nano-hybrid technology-based bulk fill flowable composite designed to provide exceptional strength and durability while offering superior resistance to wear and tear. Its outstanding surface affinity allows it to penetrate even the most challenging areas with ease. Additionally, it can be applied in bulk layers of up to 3-4mm, allowing for fewer increments to be used during placement, making it an excellent choice in dental composites.
- Direct filling of Class V (cervical caries), root erosions, wedge-shaped defects.
- As a primary bulk filling material for posterior teeth.
- Fillings of anterior teeth (Class III & IV).
- Block out of undercuts.
- Repairing composite and ceramic veneers and bis-acryl provisional temporaries
- High wettability for optimum adhesion.
- Low polymerization shrinkage.
- Higher filler load of 70% w/w.
- Excellent physical & mechanical properties.
- Low surface roughness & high gloss polishability
- 1 x 2gm syringe