COVISure Covid-19 RT PCR Test Kit
Features and Benefits:
The oligonucleotide primers and probes for detection of 2019-nCoV were selected from regions of the virus RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) gene and Envelope (E) gene. An additional primer/probe set to detect the human RNase P gene in clinical specimens is included in the kit. The analytical sensitivity of the kit is 10^3 copies/ml. This concentration serves as limit of detection (LOD).
Product Specifications:
COVISure is a Real Time PCR based diagnostic kit for the qualitative detection of novel coronavirus SARS Cov-2 RNA from nasopharyngeal, oropharyngeal, swabs and sputum samples from patients. It is recommended to use a standard Viral RNA extraction kit (magnetic bead or spin column based) for isolation of viral RNA. The performance of the kit has been validated using RNASure Virus Kit (catalog numbers NP-67703, 67705, 67706 and 67707). The kit is intended to be used by trained laboratory technician.